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BTS Arts

Oquirrh participates in this wonderful arts program because of a grant from the Utah State Legislature. The Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program (BTSALP) provides arts-integrated instruction to elementary students, effectively increasing student performance in every subject—from language arts and social studies to math and science. The program is currently in 400 Utah elementary schools in 36 districts, including over 30 charter schools, and is serving over 300,000 students.

Become a friend of BTS Arts! We need your voice, not your money. Help support the Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program by joining Friends of BTS Arts today. Our singular goal is to advocate for the BTS Arts program and ensure that all elementary students in Utah are able to benefit from an arts-integrated education. Learn more here.

BTS Arts 2022 (Short video)

Kindergaren Art

1st Grade Art


2nd Grade Art

3rd Grade Art

4th Grade Art

5th Grade Art



6th Grade Art