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Prevention Plan

Oquirrh Elementary Prevention Plan 2024-25

Our school utilizes a collaborative problem-solving approach to prevention by providing the following supports and services to students and families. 

Consistent School-wide Systems of Support

  • Our teachers work hard to create positive relationships with each student. They greet students by name to increase student and teacher connection. Each class holds daily morning meetings to build healthy classroom communities and increase positive student and faculty communication. As part of the morning meeting, each teacher provides daily social emotional learning instruction with curriculum materials from In Focus.
  • To keep families informed of student progress and needs, we use a variety of communication methods, including home visits, in-person or Zoom meetings, phone calls, emails, class newsletters, Skylert messages, parent teacher conferences, IEP/504 meetings, and Class Dojo messages.
  • We have designed a school-wide system of procedures, expectations, consequences, and rewards which motivate students towards appropriate behavior and help students feel recognized for their positive efforts.
  • Each student has the opportunity to be recognized for academic and social accomplishments through our Mountain Man award system, Brag Tags, and weekly Principal Pride ceremonies for students and parents to celebrate achievements.
  • We conduct weekly collaborative team meetings for each grade level where staff members discuss student needs and review needed interventions and supports.
  • We provide school-wide access to a student wellness center, where students have a quiet environment for emotional regulation. The wellness center is managed by a certified teacher with a counseling background.
  • We provide additional supervision in the lunchroom and at recess to promote positive behavior and proactively build positive relationships with students.
  • Our school intervenes with early warning, content monitoring, and anonymous reporting tools with support from district specialists to identify and support students who may be at risk.
  • We use Panorama data management to identify students in need of additional support.

Our school’s mental health providers (school social worker and school psychologist) are trained and supported by district administration to follow current best practices in prevention and intervention efforts. They provide the following supports along with others as needed:

  • Small group, individual, individual, and whole class instruction on various topics including coping skills, breathing techniques, calm-down techniques, etc.
  • Check-in, check-out procedure for select students to build positive relationships, set expectations for the day, and self-report  at the end of each day
  • Support resources through Student Services and the Jordan Family Education Center

Suicide Prevention Plan

  • Our school’s mental health providers and administrators are trained on and review district suicide risk intervention guidelines annually with support from Jordan District’s Student Services Team.
  • All of our school’s licensed staff participate in yearly suicide prevention training.
  • Students who are identified as at risk of suicide receive interventions and support appropriate to their individual needs which may include a screening interview (CSSR-S), parent/guardian contact, a safety plan, mental health recommendations/referrals (JFEC, MHAP, SAFE-UT, lethal means counseling etc.), a re-entry meeting, and regular follow-up.
  • The school mental health team frequently collaborates with each other in weekly meetings and with teachers as concerns arise.

Bullying, Harassment, and Discrimination Prevention Plan

  • Our school team proactively reviews relevant data on school climate, safety, and bullying by identifying vulnerable populations (e.g., racial and ethnic groups, LGBTQ youth, students with disabilities) and specific spaces where bullying may be likely to plan supports accordingly.
  • Our school’s staff is trained on school procedures for recognizing, reporting (SafeUT, content monitoring, etc.), and responding to bullying incidents at opening training sessions and throughout the year as needed.
  • Our school staff records bullying and other negative behavioral incidents in Skyward according to State requirements.
  • Students involved in incidents of bullying as targets, aggressors, or witnesses receive support for their individual needs which may include suicide risk assessments, counseling and mental health services (i.e. school mental health team, JFEC, MHAP), Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA), Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP), a student wellness plan and/or parent/guardian contact—recognizing that targets, aggressors, and witnesses of bullying are more susceptible to school problems.
  • Anti-Bullying training will be provided to teachers, instructional assistants, and students using a social/emotional skill building program called Second Step. These social skills lessons are taught daily as part of designated “Morning Meetings” that occur in every classroom, and include lessons on bullying, inclusion, self-care, positive self image, friendship and other topics. Meetings are intended to create unity and team building in classrooms and reduce incidents of bullying and other negative behaviors towards peers.
  • Counseling is provided to students in need with parent permission.
  • Students will learn how to recognize bullying, report it, and solve problems in a positive, productive way. Students will also be encouraged and reinforced for kindness through varying kindness initiatives throughout the year. Research has shown that where attention goes behavior grows. At Oquirrh Elementary, we are working to grow kindness for all students.
  • Students are instructed to accurately report bullying to teachers, instructional assistants, playground aides, and/or school administration as soon as it happens so that it can be resolved.
  • If a student reports bullying, school staff will discuss the issue with the students involved and will contact school administration as needed. School administration will contact parents involved and will determine a plan to prevent bullying.

Violence Prevention Plan

  • Our school’s administrators are trained on the Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (C-STAG), along with other members of our school’s threat assessment team which includes our school social worker and school psychologist.
  • Our school has a process for timely response to school threats using Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (C-STAG) and its decision tree. This includes warning potential victims and their parents/guardians.
  • Our school’s staff and students are aware of school procedures for recognizing and reporting (SafeUT, content monitoring etc.) threats of violence.
  • Students who are affected by or who make threats of violence receive interventions and support appropriate to their individual needs which may include problem solving, C-STAG interviews, suicide risk assessments, Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA), Restorative Conferencing, Mediation, a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP), counseling and mental health services (i.e. school mental health team, JFEC, MHAP) a student wellness plan and/or parent contact.

Additional Supports

  • In addition to these strategies to promote a positive atmosphere at Oquirrh Elementary, our school has implemented various other student and family supports including the following:
  • Student Leadership Team, composed of 6th graders, where students plan events, activities, and initiatives to serve our school community
  • Safety Patrol, where students help staff manage drop off and pick up procedures outside of the school
  • The DARE program is offered to our 5th grade students through the West Jordan Police Department.
  • Family events are held throughout the year, including a Back-to-School Night, Parents and Pastries, curriculum-based events, and others.
  • Weekly visits from the Latinos in Action Club at Joel P. Jensen Middle school, who help and encourage students in their literacy efforts.
  • Various PTA sponsored events throughout the school year including spirit nights at local restaurants, field trips, activities, and fundraisers. 
  • Assemblies from local performance groups or other organizations
  • Girls on the Run running group

This prevention plan has been created following Jordan District guidelines, which can be reviewed at