A touch of fall is definitely in the air (and maybe even some winter up on the Wasatch mountains), and with that comes a lot of school activities! See the school calendar and info below for what's ahead in October. We appreciate so many of you for dedicating time in your schedule to meet with your child's teacher during Parent Teacher Conferences. Together we make a strong team in educating our students! We continue to work hard on our school routines and procedures--this includes needing some help from parents in getting our students to school on time ready to learn. Let's make it a goal to arrive on time--our line up music plays at 8:52 a.m., the first bell is at 8:55 a.m., and instruction begins at 9:00 a.m..
We encourage you to visit SKYWARD often to check grades and school lunch balances. While visiting the SKYWARD Family Access site, please make sure your account information is accurate. Please update your phone numbers, email addresses, and/or emergency contacts as they change throughout the school year.
Watch this short YouTube video to find out how. [Traducir SKYWARD al español. Mire este vídeo de YouTube para ver cómo.]
Thanksgiving Heroes is a non-profit focused on providing meals to families in need at Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving Heroes will purchase and deliver ingredients for a complete ready-to-prepare meal (including a turkey and all the trimmings). If you would like a meal provided to you, please complete and return THIS FORM to the school office as soon as possible, but no later than noon, Thursday, November 7th (no school on Friday, Nov. 8). There are a limited number of meals available, so do not delay. Click HERE for a Thanksgiving Heroes brochure. Need more information? Contact Leslie Naylor at Oquirrh, 801-565-7474.
ParentSquare is an awesome communication platform created to streamline home-to-school communication. Parents in ParentSquare have the ability to choose the way they prefer to receive messages, whether it's email, text, or app notifications. It also allows parents to select the frequency in which they receive messages, whether it's an instant message they get as soon as the school has sent it, or they can receive them daily at the end of the day. There are three types of messages: Posts, which come across as a news feed similar to Facebook or other social media platforms. The second type of message is direct messages. These are meant for one-to-one communication between parent and teachers. The third type are alerts. These are our traditional messages that we've sent about snow day closures or emergency situations at the school.
Parents can sign into ParentSquare at parentsquare.com, set your notification preferences, your language preferences. All of your contact data is synced from Skyward, which is nice because you complete registration for school every year and update your contact information. Then to get signed into ParentSquare, you can either download the app– there's an iOS or an Android app available through your app store. You can download the app, or if you choose not to sign into ParentSquare, you'll still receive emails and texts. However, if you do choose to sign in to ParentSquare, you'll get to select, do I want to receive an email or a text or both, and how often do I want to receive those? Questions? Listen to a short Supercast HERE (scroll down to play audio).
Our school social worker, Mrs. Robinson, has supported many students and their families for many years. As a result of her work, she has put together a list of helpful resources for parents. Her June 2024 year-end summary letter is here: ENGLISH or EN ESPAÑOL
Please see her 2023 letter at THIS LINK, and a flyer about free parenting coaching at THIS LINK.
Jordan School District recently sponsored a one hour bullying prevention seminar through the Cook Center. Several of our school staff members watched it and found it very useful. The seminar was focused on helping families understand bullying and how to support their children. A recording of the seminar is available for free at THIS LINK.
Oquirrh will support our students socially and emotionally this year using In Focus curriculum. Students face unique challenges, and well-being life skills are critical during these formative years. This curriculum which focuses on well-being helps students develop the skills they need to navigate challenges and build a foundation for success.
Oquirrh opened a fully-staffed Wellness Center in August 2019! Watch a short introduction video HERE to see more about how it works. A 10-minute visit to the Wellness Center gives all students an opportunity to regroup, recharge, and proactively manage their emotions in healthy ways. We understand that learning can be hard work and sometimes the social-emotional part of a child's day can be especially challenging. A trip to the Wellness Center can provide needed support and a safe place for students to prepare to get back to work in their job as students and friends in our school community. In Focus is a curriculum we use to help our students: Learn about emotions and how to manage them; know how to set positive goals and achieve them; develop social skills, such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving; and understand how stress can affect their well-being and learn how to deal with it.
2024-25 PTA Memberships are available for $5 in the school office or by electronic membership payments. This is a great way to help support our school to help fund field trips and extra curricular activities for our students.
Thank you for your continued support. Please call us with your questions at 801-565-7474 from 8:15-3:45, Monday through Friday.
Jennifer Ludlow