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School Community Council

2023-2024 Members

Oquirrh Elementary is accepting nominations for our School Community Council (SCC). We have 2 open parent positions. SCC members have roles in helping to recommend a course of action to meet critical academic needs at our school, make recommendations for school safety, including internet safety, and safe walking routes, and help develop the plan for the spending of Land Trust funds. They meet a minimum of four times each school year. Please submit names of nominees (must have children at Oquirrh for the 2023-24 and 2024-25 school years) that are willing to serve to the school by Friday, September 29, 2023. Nomination forms went home with students earlier this month, or you may get a nomination form in the school office. If more than 2 nominees are put forth, then elections will be held at the school during Parent Teacher Conferences, 10/4 and 10/5. The ballot box will be located outside the main office.

Member Name


Jimmy Anderson
Shanna Anderson
Parent (Chair)
Milly Astwood Parent (Vice Chair)
Mindy Van Dyke
Jeannie Wade
Jen Ludlow Principal/Director

Schedule of Meetings

  • October 17, 2023 @ 4:30 p.m.
  • January 23, 2024 @ 4:30 p.m.
  • March 13, 2024 @ 4:30 p.m.
  • May 14, 2024 @ 4:30 p.m.

All meetings, unless otherwise noted,
will begin at 4:30 p.m.
in the Oquirrh Elementary Media Center and on Zoom.

Oquirrh's SCC Rules of Order
to facilitate our meetings

Role of Council

Every school must have a School Community Council (SCC) that consists of the principal, school employees, and parents. The majority of members are parents. Parents represent parent perspectives on issues and decisions made by the council. Parents have input in the School Improvement Plan and in how the funds from the School LAND Trust Program will be spent. Parents may bring issues of concern to the council seeking solutions. The council may choose to address them or recommend another group or entity better suited to implement solutions. The council may also create programs or projects to improve the parent, student, and faculty school experience. They may make recommendations to the administration of the school and district.

What are School Trust Lands?
School Trust Lands date back to 1785 when the Founding Fathers of our country set aside land to support schools in conjunction with statehood.  One-ninth of the land in Utah, 3.3 million acres, is set aside to financially support public schools.  These lands are held by the state as a trustee for public schools and are managed by the School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration (SITLA).  Net revenues are distributed to school throughout the state.  Expenditure of these funds are determined by the local School Community Council.

Click HERE for more information about School LAND Trust funding and programs.

Safe Walking Routes
with Crossing Guard Times

Next meeting:
Fall 2024 (date TBD), 4:30 p.m.

Oquirrh will receive $77,302.89
for the 2023-24 school year
from the School Land Trust Program.

2023-2024 Land Trust Plan

School Land Trust Previous Reports

2023-2024 Teacher and Student
Success Act (TSSA Plan)

Funding Report for Oquirrh Elem.

Actual Funding 2015-2016 $46,463.00
Actual Funding 2016-2017 $54,166.00
Actual Funding 2017-2018 $63,080.00
Actual Funding 2018-2019 $69,013.00
Actual Funding 2019-2020 $72,120.00
Actual Funding 2020-2021 $75,753.00
Actual Funding 2021-2022 $63,133.00
Actual Funding 2022-2023 $71,916.00
Current/Actual Funding 2023-2024 $77,302.89